W6/ND-289 – Wells Benchmark

A few times a year I camp with a group on a dry lakebed near the edge of Fort Irwin, and while I was aware of opportunities for SOTA in the area, I never activated – until Wells Benchmark. This summit is easy to find, located right off Copper City Road In addition, the hike up was easy, only taking 20 minutes or so. What made this activation difficult for me was the wind, which was extremely strong and relentless. I was able to get my antenna up and thankfully nothing got destroyed. Worked 40, 30, and 20M but didn’t make a ton of QSOs. I hiked down basically the same way. Back at the truck, I had a light breakfast and made my way over to an unactivated summit which turned out to be just on the other side of the Fort Irwin boundary fence, thus, no access.


Total distance: 1.53 mi
Max elevation: 3913 ft
Min elevation: 3329 ft
Total climbing: 1052 ft
Download file: W6_ND_289.gpx

Date:06/05/2023 |  Summit:W6/ND-289 (Wells Benchmark) 

16:03WB6POT7MHzCWS599 R599
16:05KT0A7MHzCWS33N R33N S2S W0D/BB-029
16:07K7EFW7MHzCWS33N R55N S2S W7O/NC-056
16:08KR7RK7MHzCWS56N R53N
16:10KN60MN7MHzCWS57N R53N
16:23KT5X10MHzCWS57N R57N
16:25K5DEZ10MHzCWS33N R53N S2S W5N/SE-029
16:29KX0R10MHzCWS35N R55N S2S W0C/PR-148
16:42AK5SD14MHzCWS52N R51N
16:46K0LAF14MHzCWS32N R32N
16:47KF9D14MHzCWS33N R33
16:49N0DET14MHzCWS44N R44N

W6/CT-132 – Granite Benchmark

Granite Benchmark is a summit I’ve wanted to visit for awhile but couldn’t get to with my tiny commuter car as the trail head is down a long fire road. Sadly, the clutch in the car was going out and the replacement cost exceeded the value of the vehicle. In addition to the clutch, it needed a bunch of other work so it made sense to sell the car and buy something else. I ended up with a 1st gen Toyota Tacoma 4×4, manual everything. So far, it’s a rad truck.

From Bouquet Canyon road, I turned on the forbidden Leona Divide fire road and headed to the trailhead, where there was a large clearing and plenty of room to park and not get in anyone’s way. The hike it’s self it pretty easy; It follows a power transmission line service road around a mile and a half one way, and maybe 700~800′ of elevation gain. Close to the summit, you cross under the lines and follow a short use trail to the top. On this particular day , it was extremely windy. I had a difficult time getting my wire antenna up. In addition, my mast broke twice. Worked 40M, 30M, and 20M CW. No S2S from this peak. After packing up and heading back to the truck, I continued my way down Leona Divide to activate Burn Benchmark, one I’ve previously activated before via mountain bike. You can read about that here.


Total distance: 2.49 mi
Max elevation: 4621 ft
Min elevation: 4191 ft
Total climbing: 957 ft
Download file: W6_ct_132.gpx

Date:06/04/2023 |  Summit:W6/CT-132 (Granite Benchmark)

19:13KF6HI7MHzCWS52N R52N
19:15KN6RDC7MHzCWS55N R599
19:17NT6E7MHzCWS58N R53N
19:17KN6OMN7MHzCWS57N R55N
19:19AI6XG7MHzCWS56N R44N
19:22WU7H7MHzCWS22N R22N
19:23K6HPX7MHzCWS33N R51N
19:35W6TDX10MHzCWS44N R44N
19:37K5DEZ10MHzCWS42N R42N
19:40N9KW10MHzCWS22N R339
19:47N7EDK14MHzCWS33N R33N
19:47WW7D14MHzCWS52N R53N
19:49W6STR14MHzCWS51N R57N
19:52W0JSR14MHzCWS45N R31N
19:53W5BOS14MHzCWS45N R33N
19:55KG5ES14MHzCWS42N R55N
19:56NW7E14MHzCWS33N R55N
19:59N7BYD14MHzCWS44N R44N
20:00W5ODS14MHzCWS45N R55N

W6/CT-118 – Mount McDill

This was my second summit of the day, having just come from Sierra Pelona. You can read about that summit here. I’m kinda glad I didn’t ride a mountain bike over to this summit like I had original planned, as there is some steep elevation to tackle on the way out. That being said, I think there are a few other ways up here that might be a bit easier on a bike than the was I took the moto. The top was easy to find, I looked around for a benchmark, but couldn’t find one. I did find a register going back to 2008 which I didn’t expect to see. I used the pile of rocks to support my antenna mast. I worked 40M, 30M ,and 20M with 4 S2S. Thanks! While I didn’t really notice at the time, where I was setup was almost directly on a moto trail. A group of bikers stopped for a minute to take in the great views, and luckily my antenna didn’t get snagged on anything. Wanting to explore the area bit more, I packed up and headed out after working all the chasers.


Date:28/01/2023 | Summit:W6/CT-118 (Mount McDill)

21:06KN6OMR7MHzCWS57N R599
21:08KX0R7MHzCWS31N R33N S2S W0C/FR-102
21:10N6AN7MHzCWS58N R57N S2S W6/CT-225
21:10WU7H7MHzCWS559 R339
21:11K6EL7MHzCWS56N R52N S2S W6/CC-072
21:13NT6E7MHzCWS58N R559
21:14N6GO7MHzCWS55N R599
21:15KE6MT7MHzCWS57N R55N
21:18AD6VT7MHzCWS57N R599
21:19KT5X7MHzCWS57N R33N
21:31NW7E10MHzCWS519 R55N
21:32N7EDK10MHzCWS44N R55N
21:33N4LAG10MHzCWS56N R56N
21:34KF6HI10MHzCWS57N R58N
21:35NU7A10MHzCWS44N R32N
21:38KF9D10MHzCWS53N R33N
21:39W0MCB10MHzCWS44N R33N
21:40WB5USB10MHzCWS51N R55N
21:53W9MRH14MHzCWS52N R55N
21:55WW7D14MHzCWS57N R54N
21:55NE4TN14MHzCWS51N R44N
21:57KD8DEU14MHzCWS52N R22N
21:58VE7HI14MHzCWS51N R33N
21:58AC7P14MHzCWS44N R55N
22:02N6WT14MHzCWS21N R33N S2S W6/SC-171
22:03KX0Y14MHzCWS51N R44N
View of Mt. McDill from Sierra Pelona
Register, wasn’t expecting to find one here.
Placed in 2008
Antenna setup
Moto and the Antelope Valley

W6/CT-116 – Sierra Pelona

Last summer I installed a new rear tire on my dual sport moto, rode it around the block once, parked it in the back yard, then promptly forgot about it over the wet winter. I’ve wanted to visit Sierra Pelona and Mt. McDill for some time, with the idea to take the mountain bike up there on a cool winter day. Well, the moto was in the back yard all sad, full of spiders, chain rusted, and had a dead battery. What better way to wake the bike up for the next season than a 100 mile round trip SOTA activation? After hosing the bike off, evicting the spiders, installing a new battery and applying copious amounts of gear oil on the chain, the ole’ DRZ was ready to go. I left my house in Echo Park and headed up Hwy 2, made a left on Angeles Forest Highway, over to Acton and up the road to Sierra Pelona. The road up was somewhat steep, but paved, which caught me by surprise. I was under the impression you needed a truck or something to get up there. At the top there is a radio installation, including a AT&T long lines tower. This isn’t where the summit is though, it’s further along the ridge, and the road isn’t paved at this point. I think a regular car would still be fine. At the summit, I looked around for a benchmark, but couldn’t find one. I setup my EFHW antenna and started working the bands, 40M, 30M, and 20M + 5 S2S. After exhausting the chasers, I packed up my gear and headed over to Mt. McDill a few miles away.


Date:27/01/2023 | Summit:W6/CT-116 (Sierra Pelona)

19:03N6AN7MHzCWS58N R57N S2S W6/CT-225
19:03KF7HP7MHzCWS55N R33N
19:04NT6E7MHzCWS56N R55N
19:05K6TUY7MHzCWS599 R599
19:06K6KY7MHzCWS57N R55N
19:07NJ6Q7MHzCWS56N R599
19:09K6KMH7MHzCWS56N R559 S2S W6/SC-456
19:10K6CPR7MHzCWS57N R55N
19:11KR7RK7MHzCWS52N R55N
19:12K6CWC7MHzCWS57N R599
19:12N4LAG7MHzCWS559 R559
19:14WU7H7MHzCWS44N R52N
19:16WC6KD7MHzCWS52N R55N
19:31K6EL10MHzCWS52N R55N S2S W6/CC-072
19:33KX0R10MHzCWS32N R53N S2S W0C/FR-102
19:34NU7A10MHzCWS51N R31N
19:35N6PKT10MHzCWS51N R55N
19:36AI6XG10MHzCWS51N R57N
19:37NU7Y10MHzCWS559 R579
19:39N0DET10MHzCWS42N R53N S2S W0C/SP-117
19:56W0JSL14MHzCWS56N R54N
19:56W0MNA14MHzCWS56N R55N
19:57KT5X14MHzCWS55N R55N
19:57W0ERI14MHzCWS56N R55N
19:58N7WM14MHzCWS52N R599
19:59N7EDK14MHzCWS55N R55N
20:00F4WBN14MHzCWS55N R599
20:02W5ODS14MHzCWS56N R56N
20:03WW7D14MHzCWS56N R56N
An old Long Lines station
Mount McDill

W6/CT-027 – Condor Peak

This is a pretty long hike for 4 SOTA points, but since the Lowel Life crew rebuilt the Condor Peak Trail, Esther and I wanted to check it out. Most of the trail felt pretty flat (it’s not), with multiple switchbacks and a waterfall. The last mile or so was a bit more difficult but that might have just been me being fatigued. Getting to the actual summit required some scrambling, but nothing too bad. At the top I worked 40M and 30M, then hopped on 2M to work local chasers. Worried about running out of daylight, we headed back down after about an hour. I hoped to activate Fox Benchmark on this same trip, but there just wasn’t enough time. By the time we got back to the car it was dark. Perfect timing.


Total distance: 14.89 mi
Max elevation: 5533 ft
Min elevation: 2138 ft
Total climbing: 4527 ft
Download file: Condor_AG6N.GPX

Date:18/11/2022 | Summit:W6/CT-027 (Condor Peak

21:05NT6E144MHzFMS59 R59
21:07KI6SLA144MHzFMS59 R59
21:08WA6WV144MHzFMS59 R59
21:22W7RV7MHzCWS57N R56N
21:23K7EA7MHzCWS51N R33N
21:24W6DER7MHzCWS51N R51N
21:25N6AN7MHzCWS44N R33N
21:27K7NEW7MHzCWS42N R33N
21:28KR7RK7MHzCWS56N R55N
21:29K7UOU7MHzCWS42N R599
21:30K3GX7MHzCWS57N R57N
21:31WB6POT7MHzCWS57N R58N
21:37KG6MZS144MHzFMS59 R9
21:40K6EL10MHzCWS41N R55N S2S W6/NC-432
21:41WW7D10MHzCWS51N R51N
21:41NA6MG10MHzCWS56N R51N
21:42N7EDK10MHzCWS44N R55N
21:43NQ7R10MHzCWS57N R599
21:46KX0Y10MHzCWS56N R44N
21:49N6JZT144MHzFMS59 R44

W6/CT-064 – East Twin Peaks

I hiked this in December 2022 with Esther and 4 months later at the time of this writing I’ve forgotten most of the details of the activation, as such, no real report. I do recall rain in the forecast, however there was just heavy fog which made scorched trees from the Bobcat fire look eerie.. Overall, there is a bunch of elevation gain on this hike which made it challenging. We looped back through Mt. Waterman where I activated at 23:50 and 00:01 to give local chasers on FM points. Photos and .gpx below.


Total distance: 11.82 mi
Max elevation: 8083 ft
Min elevation: 6554 ft
Total climbing: 4132 ft
Download file: EastTwinPeaks_AG6N.GPX

Date:01/12/2022 | Summit:W6/CT-064 (East Twin Peaks)

20:16KN6RDC7MHzCWS57N R599
20:17NT6E7MHzCWS5NN R55N
20:18NW7E7MHzCWS33N R53N
20:18KF6HI7MHzCWS55N R53N
20:19KX6I7MHzCWS57N R5NN S2S W6/SC-335
20:21W7RV7MHzCWS58N R55N
20:22W7DLZ7MHzCWS57N R51N
20:23N6PKT7MHzCWS55N R55N
20:24K6CPR7MHzCWS57N R55N
20:24KE6MT7MHzCWS56N R54N
20:25N7CW7MHzCWS56N R57N
20:26KI6PMD7MHzCWS599 R599
20:27AF7M7MHzCWS52N R55N
20:28W6LOR7MHzCWS599 R599
20:29K6EL7MHzCWS33N R52N
20:30K6QCB7MHzCWS53N R55N
20:42NE7ET14MHzCWS45N R599
20:43WW7D14MHzCWS55N R54N
20:44KC4CR14MHzCWS45N R53N
20:48W9MRH14MHzCWS22N R33N
20:50N7EDK14MHzCWS33N R55N
21:02KI6SLA144MHzFMS59 R59
21:04KG6MZS144MHzFMS58 R56
21:05WA6WV144MHzFMS59 R59

W6/SC-219 – Triunfo Lookout

I had always overlooked this summit because it’s kinda far away from my house, the hike isn’t very long, and it’s not worth many points. Having just activated Sandstone Peak earlier in the day, it made sense to hike up to Triunfo Lookout before heading home. At the trailhead is a gate with a small sign telling visitors they are entering a national park. I immediately noticed the unique biodiversity on this trail on the way up to the summit. At the top, a concrete structure which I believe is from a fire lookout tower built in the 1930’s remains. Worked 40, 30 and 20M with one DX station in Japan.


Total distance: 1.55 mi
Max elevation: 2629 ft
Min elevation: 2228 ft
Total climbing: 504 ft
Download file: Triunfo_AG6N.GPX

Date:06/01/2023 | Summit:W6/SC-219 (Triunfo Lookout)

21:21KX6I7MHzCWS57N R5NN S2S W6/SC-453
21:23W9SSN7MHzCWS52N R53N
21:23NT6E7MHzCWS599 R559
21:24KE6MT7MHzCWS55N R56N
21:25K1LB7MHzCWS55N R599
21:27K6QCB7MHzCWS57N R54N
21:28K3GX7MHzCWS52N R57N
21:29K6CPR7MHzCWS58N R57N
21:29KR7RK7MHzCWS53N R55N
21:38WW7D10MHzCWS33N R41N
21:39N4LAG10MHzCWS44N R55N
21:41KF7HP10MHzCWS57N R599
21:45N7EDK10MHzCWS31N R31N
21:47AI6SL10MHzCWS57N R58N
21:48KN6OMN10MHzCWS56N R599
21:56WU7H14MHzCWS57N R55N
21:57W0MNA14MHzCWS56N R45N
21:57K5DEZ14MHzCWS52N R56N
21:58W0ERI14MHzCWS55N R55N
21:59KF9D14MHzCWS56N R53N
22:00W4ZXT14MHzCWS56N R33N
22:01AE7AP14MHzCWS57N R55N
22:02W0JSL14MHzCWS52N R52N
22:05JG0AWE14MHzCWS22N R44N
22:06KX0Y14MHzCWS55N R54N
22:07K7GAD14MHzCWS57N R57N
22:13KM6CEM144MHzFMS59 R59
22:14KI6SLA144MHzFMS59 R59
22:15WA6WV144MHzFMS59 R57

W6/CT-076 – Constance Peak

This was my second activation of the day, having hiked W6/CT-041 earlier. I was starving from a light breakfast so I stopped at a small diner in Angelus Oaks for a late lunch burger. From the diner, I took a small dirt road behind the post office as far as I could in my small commuter car, parked and started hiking to the summit. It had just rained, so there was quite a few large water puddles. If it was drier I could have just driven to the use trail that leads to the summit. The trail is pretty obvious, just steep. At the top there was a small rattle snake curled up right where I wanted to setup. The snake was there first so I put the antenna a bit further down the hill, but well within the activation zone. The clock just passed 00:00, and I was loosing daylight so I worked through the bands quickly, with a few S2S and a Japanese DX station. I rushed to tear the station down and hiked down the hill. I git back to the car right before the last light of the day. Perfect timing!


Total distance: 3.21 mi
Max elevation: 6542 ft
Min elevation: 5768 ft
Total climbing: 2110 ft
Download file: Constance_Peak_AG6N.gpx

Date:14/10/2022 | Summit:W6/CT-076 (Constance Peak)

00:05NT6E144MHzFMS59 R56
00:08K6QSB14MHzCWS57N R56N
00:10K0LAF14MHzCWS44N R33N
00:11JG0AWE14MHzCWS22N R33N
00:12K6EL14MHzCWS55N R599
00:13VA2EO14MHzCWS22N R22N
00:15W6LOR14MHzCWS52N R33N
00:15WB6POT14MHzCWS599 R599
00:17W7SKH14MHzCWS53N R55N S2S W6/CC-045
00:17W7CBR14MHzCWS58N R599 S2S W6/CC-045
00:18K6STR14MHzCWS52N 33N
00:19KN6OMN14MHzCWS599 R599
00:21W4ZXT14MHzCWS57N R55N
00:23AI6XG14MHzCWS52N R33N? S2S W6/CC-045
00:38KM6CEM144MHzFMS55 R55
00:39KK6JM144MHzFMS57 R59
00:40KI6SLA144MHzFMS59 R55
00:41WA6WV144MHzFMS57N R45
The road wasn’t in bad shape
Hard to see, but there is a rattle snake next to the rock to the right of the summit marker.

W6/CT-041 – 9465

This hike starts off Hwy 38, across the street is a large area to park. I placed my Adventure Pass on the dash of my car, although I don’t think it was needed. After crossing the road and made my way through the woods a bit, I realized I couldn’t find the jeep road others had mentioned. Luckily I had a .gpx track saved on my phone, which I used to get back on track. The first mile of this hike is the steepest, gaining ~500′, 600′ in elevation. From there it relaxes quite a bit until the very end which is steep and covered in loose rocks. The summit is obvious, two large posts and a pile of rocks. There is a register here, but unfortunately it was soaking wet and covered in black mold. Worked 20, 30 and 40M CW, and 2M FM on the HT. I was able to open the 2M repeater out in Yucca Valley but nobody was available to chat. I took my time hiking down, enjoying the view and the beautiful juniper trees. I’ll be back soon!


Total distance: 6.8 mi
Max elevation: 9386 ft
Min elevation: 8353 ft
Total climbing: 4682 ft
Download file: 9465_AG6N.gpx

Date:13/10/2022 | Summit:W6/CT-041 (9465)

19:10NT6E144MHzFMS59+ R58
19:11WA6WV144MHzFMS59+ R59
19:14KI6SLA144MHzFMS59 R59
19:16KE6GQD144MHzFMS59 R59
19:18N6JNY144MHzFMS59 R59
19:32KF6HI7MHzCWS58N R54N
19:38KX6I7MHzCWS54N R55N S2S W6/SC-300
19:39KR7RK7MHzCWS57N R55N
19:51K5DEZ10MHzCWS52N R55N
19:52K6HPX10MHzCWS58N R57N
19:54AF7M10MHzCWS55N R55N
19:55AI7DK10MHzCWS56N R55N
19:56WU7H10MHzCWS42N R33N
20:12W9MRH14MHzCWS51N R52N
20:13K7EA14MHzCWS55N R55N
20:15AK5SD14MHzCWS44N R41N
20:16W6DER14MHzCWS56N R55N
20:18WW7D14MHzCWS42N R53N S2S W7W/KG-015
20:21AC7MA14MHzCWS33N R33N S2S W7W/KG-015
20:24KA7GPP14MHzCWS31N R44N S2S W7W/SK157
20:26KD8DEU14MHzCWS42N R22N
20:30JH1MXV14MHzCWS21N R22N
Start of the trail
Jeep trail
Old camping sign.
A large mushroom I found
typical views
Rad old trees with the desert beyond
Summit log was soaking wet and moldy. KN6TMT signed the log
The summit