I was in the area to attend the Experimental Music Festival in Wonder Valley and thought a SOTA activation would be a nice addition to my weekend plans. Ryan Mountain is inside Joshua Tree National Park, and not too far from the north entrance, which, wasn’t too far from the music venue. The hike is about 3 miles round trip, and a bit over 1,000′ in elevation gain, however the scorching February sun made it feel a bit longer. At the top I found a place away from others and setup my vertical antenna with an MTR4B. After a few questions on why I have a fishing pole in the desert, I started operating on 40M CW but didn’t get any QSOs., and only two on 30M. When I moved to 20M, I ended up with a small pileup with one DX call from Japan.

Date:02/04/2022 | Summit:W6/CD-016 (Ryan Mountain)
Time | Callsign | Band | Mode | Notes |
20:53 | N7CNH | 10MHz | CW | S52N R53N |
20:54 | WW7D | 10MHz | CW | S55N R42N |
21:02 | KI7SVM | 14MHz | CW | S55N R42N |
21:04 | N6AN | 14MHz | CW | S2S W6/CT-225 S52N R53N |
21:05 | KF9D | 14MHz | CW | S57N R52N |
21:07 | NG6R | 14MHz | CW | S599 R44N |
21:09 | WB7BWZ | 14MHz | CW | S52N R53N |
21:10 | W5WMQ | 14MHz | CW | S559 R599 |
21:12 | KI7TT | 14MHz | CW | S53N R33N |
21:14 | K8MH | 14MHz | CW | S589 R559 |
21:16 | JH1MXV | 14MHz | CW | S44N R429 |