This was my 3rd summit of the day. I parked my truck near the PCT and cooked some ground beef patties on my small gas grill in the shade before hiking up to the summit. Beautiful short hike along the PCT among stands of Joshua trees. I got as close as I could to the summit on the PCT before heading up through a small canyon. This probably wasn’t the best way as this route required hiking along a rocky ridge. At the top I setup my equipment and get to work on the bands. Worked 20, 30, 40M CW, no QSOs on 30M. Called out on 2M FM, and got one station out in Phelan, AC – that’s pretty far away! I found a summit register placed by Bob Burd which was mostly empty, I signed with my call and placed the register back. I hiked down a different, easier way. Back at the PCT temperatures dropped so many through hikers were back on the trail. Back at the truck, I packed everything up and headed back to Los Angeles. What a great weekend out in the desert!
Max elevation: 6145 ft
Total climbing: 1049 ft
Total time: 02:59:27
Date:02/06/2023 | Summit:W6/SS-630 (6244) |
Time | Callsign | Band | Mode | Notes |
22:27 | W6DER | 7MHz | CW | S53N R41N |
22:28 | K6QCB | 7MHz | CW | S55N R53N |
22:29 | NT6E | 7MHz | CW | S57N R55N |
22:31 | W7USA | 7MHz | CW | S56N R45N |
22:32 | W6TDX | 7MHz | CW | S42N R43N |
22:33 | K6CWC | 7MHz | CW | S41N R599 |
22:34 | W6JMP | 7MHz | CW | S57N R599 |
22:52 | KD7WPJ | 14MHz | CW | S33N R55N |
22:55 | WB7BWZ | 14MHz | CW | S55N R53N |
22:56 | WI5D | 14MHz | CW | S55N R55N |
22:58 | AD0WB | 14MHz | CW | S51N R33N |
23:00 | PY2VM | 14MHz | CW | S22N R57N |
23:02 | K7IOC | 14MHz | CW | S55N R599 |
23:04 | PY2AE | 14MHz | CW | S31N R57N |
23:15 | KG6USS | 144MHz | FM | S59 R59 |