W7N/NS-196 – CA/NV Boundary Monument 93

This summit is in Death Valley National Park, and as the name suggests, on the border of Nevada and California. I parked at a large gravel area off Daylight Pass Road, crossed the pavement and began my hike to the summit, weaving around various obstacles on the way. There is no use trail, but several rock cairns along the way helped guide my path. The landscape is ‘lumpy’, and I wasn’t sure exactly where the summit was; a topo map on my phone was heavily used to ensure I was chasing the right mountain. Once at the top I found a register and three benchmarks. I signed the log and setup a Yaesu 817 with a 10M EFHW antenna. Worked several stations, packed up my kit, then headed back the way I came.


Date:09/11/2024 |  Summit:W7N/NS-196 (CA/NV Boundary Monument 93) 

17:03AA4AI28MHzCWS58N R42N
17:05WN4AT28MHzCWS57N R55N
17:06K9WO28MHzCWS58N R55N
17:07WY7N28MHzCWS57N R53N
17:09F4WBN28MHzCWS33N R599
17:10KV4AN28MHzCWS33N R44N
17:11KC5BG28MHzCWS57N R55N
17:12N0TU28MHzCWS58N R55N
17:13W5ODS28MHzCWS58N R57N
17:14N4EX28MHzCWS58N R54N
17:16WB8BHN28MHzCWS33N R41N
I parked here
Looking back at the summit