W6/WH-006 – County Line Hill

This summit is in the White Mountain range. I hiked an old two track road to the east side of the hill, then headed straight up to the summit through thick, knee high sage. Once on the ridge it was easy to get over to the summit. Worked 2M FM, 20M, and 40M SSB. On the way down, I took the ridge down to see if there was anything left of old prospecting mines marked on the forest service maps. I found a couple old tin cans and collapsed mine shafts.


Total distance: 3.87 mi
Max elevation: 11237 ft
Total climbing: 1144 ft
Total time: 03:00:21
Download file: County%20Line%20Hill.GPX

Date:04/07/2021 | Summit:W6/WH-006 (County Line Hill)

01:34KM6QCE144MHzFMS59 R59
01:35WA6IQO144MHzFMS59 R59
01:36W0MNA14MHzSSBS59 R59
01:38W0ERI14MHzSSBS59 R59
01:40AL6H14MHzSSBS54 R55
01:52K6HPX7MHzSSBS55 R51
01:53KJ7UIZ7MHzSSBS58 R56
01:54K6CWC7MHzSSBS55 R48
01:55K6LDQ7MHzSSBS55 R36
01:56KX6A7MHzSSBS55 R33
Where I parked the moto, County Line Hill in the background.
Old two track road. I followed this around to the west side of the summit.
Knee deep bushwhacking
At the top
Lady bugs hiding under rocks.
At the summit with my vertical.