W6/ND-323 – Lovejoy Butte

I set out from my home in Los Angeles to activate three buttes in the Antelope Valley area. Lovejoy was the first of the day. Of course, I can never get out of the house at a reasonable time so I arrived around noon to my starting point on 145th Street East. It was hotter than I expected but I have a large golf umbrella for days like this, and it proved absolutely critical for both the hike and activation. You can make out a faint use trail up to the summit from the road, and accessing that trail requires navigating various moto trails, deep soft sand, and piles of dumped construction materials. Closer to the top is a faint use trail which goes to the summit. Worked 2M, 40M, 30M CW with a S2S on each band. Worked 20M CW with zero contacts which surprised me. The hike was under two miles but I drank two liters of water. Back at the car I had a snack and more water before heading over to the next butte.


Date:11/09/2022 | Summit:W6/ND-323 (Lovejoy Buttes)

20:33KB6WWI144MHzFMS56 R53
20:45KN6TMT144MHzFMS59 R59 S2S W6/SD-141
20:51NT6E7MHzCWS58N R52N
20:52KE6MT7MHzCWS57N R55N
20:54K6HPX7MHzCWS58N R51N
20:56KR7RK7MHzCWS56N R55N
20:57WA7JTM7MHzCWS57N R54N
21:08KD0YOB10MHzCWS33N R33N S2S W0C/PR-093
21:11AF7M10MHzCWS58N R55N
21:14KN6EZE10MHzCWS58N R5NN S2S W6/ND-241
21:16KF6HI10MHzCWS579 R549
21:18W7DLZ10MHzCWS55N R54N
21:19AC1Z/010MHzCWS52N R33N
21:21N7MQ10MHzCWS56N R52N

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