W6/SC-338 – Black Mountain

This was a nice, relatively easy hike up; I didn’t know there was a communications site at the top, so I was a bit surprised. While setting up my 817 Kel and I watched para-gliders fly back and fourth gaining altitude until they were out of sight. There was a cold wind blowing at the summit, so the para-gliders must have been extra cold with their extra altitude. Worked the high bands, heard my 2M radio squawk which turned out to be another SOTA station up in Los Angeles. We hiked down the same way and got on the freeway North to try and beat some commuter traffic back to L.A.


Date:18/11/2023 |  Summit:W6/SC-338 (Black Mountain)

21:07W9SSN24MHzCWS599 R599
21:08W0MNA24MHzCWS599 R599
21:09W0ERI24MHzCWS599 R599
21:09K0LAF24MHzCWS58N R55N
21:13WW7D24MHzCWS33N R33N S2S W7W/SK-172
21:15WU7H24MHzCWS44N R53N S2S W7W/SK-172
21:23W6LOR144MHzFMS55N R55N S2S W6/CT-242
21:23K6STR144MHzFMS51N R55N S2S W6/CT-242
21:307N1FRE18MHzCWS31N R31N
21:30K6CPR18MHzCWS599 R53N CO
21:32N4LAG18MHzCWS55N R54N
21:43WG0AT18MHzCWS55N R57N

W6/SC-460 – 906

This summit is right off I5 by the San Clemente Denny’s, the one with the neon sign. Access is easy – park in the cul-de-sac at the end of Del Dios and walk up the obvious path, then turn right. If you pass an old AT&T long lines tower you went the wrong way. Most of this is paved. The true summit is just off the paved path. At the top I setup my Yaesu 817 and worked high bands. Japan was booming in with good signal reports both ways. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I crossed the UTC time threshold, so this ended up being two activations on separate days. As the sun set, I packed up and headed back to the car.


Date:18/11/2023 |  Summit:W6/SC-460 (906) 

23:40JP3DGT/328MHzCWS41N R41N S2S JA/HG-250
23:44LW2DO28MHzCWS57N R55N
23:49JF1OVA28MHzCWS55N R44N
23:507N1FRE28MHzCWS57N R52N
23:58JH7IOT21MHzCWS57N R51N

Date:19/11/2023 |  Summit:W6/SC-460 (906) 

00:03JG0AWE21MHzCWS33N R55N
00:06WU7H21MHzCWS33N R33N S2S W7W/RS-088
00:07ZL1TM21MHzCWS55N R52N
00:08JA1VVH21MHzCWS55N R52N
00:15K5XS18MHzCWS599 R52N
True summit is past this bench.