W6/CT-153 – Parker Mountain

The weather in L.A. is hot, and I wanted to get on the air. I also didn’t feel like hiking in the heat, but wanted to activate a summit. Doesn’t seem like a good combination, but I had an idea for a hobby stack. Earlier in the week I spent some time pulling my dual-sport motorbike out of the weeds in the backyard, and evicting the various spiders from the motor. After a quick hose off, fluid check, and battery charge, the bike was highway ready after being neglected for so long.

I’ve been curious about summits along Hwy 14, as these appear to be drive ups, however, I don’t have a 4×4 to make it up there, but I do have a dual-sport motorcycle! I left my house and wizzed the 400cc motor for about 60 miles to the area of the summit. It was hard to find, and it took a few tries to get up there, which cost quite a bit of time. Some parts of this trail were quite steep and had me second guessing my skills on the bike, but I made it up without incident. At the summit, there is evidence of an old tower site, and a single tree which could offer a bit of shade. I started with 10M, moved to 20, then 40. Called out on 2M simplex and didn’t make any contacts there.

I attempted to activate another summit nearby, however, I was hungry, running low on water, and couldn’t easily find the trailhead so I headed home. Next time I activate a summit in this area I think I’ll load the bike in the van, then drive to a friends house in the canyons and start the ride there. Being on a small displacement bike, on the highway, in the hot sun, is quite taxing!


Date:27/08/2020 | Summit:W6/CT-153 (Parker Mountain)

19:50WA6KYR28MHzSSB59 31
20:07W0MNA14MHzSSB55 55
20:11K0LAF14MHzSSB45 44
20:12WW7D14MHzSSB59 44
20:13KR7Q14MHzSSB55 43
20:25WU7H7MHzSSB33 33
20:26WB6POT7MHzSSB59 56
20:27KE6GLA7MHzSSB59 52
20:30K6LDQ7MHzSSB59 33
Summit is in view – Yes, it’s steep
Benchmark at the summit
A sign that let’s you know you found Parker Mtn.
My mechanical mule, a Suzuki DRZ 400
View of Acton, CA below