W6/CT-247 – Mount Williamson

This is a fun 8 point SOTA hike, which is around 5 miles round trip. Note: If you’re looking at a map, the actual summit is past Mount Williamson; keep going and follow Pleasant View Ridge to a peak named 8248. If you keep going even further, you will run into Pallet Mountain, the site of a C-119 aircraft crash.


Date:31/07/2020 | Summit:W6/CT-247 (Mount Williamson)

20:17WWD728MHzSSB55 55
20:18K6WLD28MHzSSB59 59
20:30KI6PMD28MHzSSB59 59
20:50W7HO14MHzSSB59 56
20:50KB6AE14MHzSSB59 52
20:52N9XG14MHzSSB49 54
20:59N6JZT14MHzSSB55 43
21:21N1WAX144MHzFM59 59
21:25KM6CEM144MHzFM59 33
21:26AJ6N144MHzFM59 53
21:28WB6FQZ144MHzFM59 55
21:29KI6PMD144MHzFM59 42
21:31KM6SVN144MHzFM59 51
The start of the trail, just off Hwy 2
This PCT marker is at the point where you turn to hike the ridge.
Looking up at the ridge
Summit log on Mt. Williamson.. This isn’t the SOTA summit, keep going!
View at the top
It gets somewhat technical at this point, but evens out eventually.