W6/SS-285 – Bald Mountain

This was my first activation in the Southern Sierras; quite a bit of a drive from my QTH, but it made a fun day with my wife. The station was setup off the side of the summit on a picnic table. I only made two contacts on 2M (one S2S) and two on 20M. 40M was simply not working. Either my station was in a terrible position, or propagation simply wasn’t working in my favor.


Total distance: 4.38 mi
Max elevation: 9387 ft
Total climbing: 1028 ft
Total time: 02:36:31
Download file: Bald%20Mountain.GPX
2M S2S with W6RIP. 155.2 miles is very good.

Date:24/07/2020 | Summit:W6/SS-285 (Bald Mountain)

22:53W6RIP144MHzFM55 55 S2S W6/CT-047
22:55KG6USS144MHzFM59 57
23:17K6LDQ14MHzSSB32 33
23:17WU7H14MHzSSB45 33

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