W6/CT-259 – Bald Mountain

I was planing on activating Libre Mountain when I left my house in the morning, however, I got a bit lost and ended up on Bald Mountain instead! This summit would be considered a drive up, but the road to the top has deep potholes making it extremely risky to drive my tiny car all the way. I ended up parking at the bottom of Misty Ridge Drive and hiking the remainder of the way, which was very enjoyable. At the top you will be greeted with a tower site; half of the installation is decommissioned, so I set my station up next to the fence, furthest away form the active site. APRS was available here, so a packet containing my spot was sent. Worked 20M and 40M SSB, then got brave and sent a spot for 30M CW. One station came back to me but I couldn’t get one character in the call. Sadly, they gave up on me after I sent a ? for the third time. Too embarrassed to continue, I went QRT. Near the summit there is an old ranch – some old farming equipment, a rusty French car, and a small collapsing cabin. I wonder who, when, why the owner of this equipment abandoned it?


Date:26/02/2021 | Summit:W6/CT-259 (Bald Mountain)

21:18W0MNQ14MHzSSB55 33
21:21W0ERI14MHzSSB55 33
21:49K6YK14MHzSSB55 55
21:50WU7H14MHzSSB33 33
21:53KF6HI14MHzSSB55 44
22:23VE7TBN7MHzSSB33 33
22:30WW7D7MHzSSB55 43
Parked SOTA mobile. The road on the left takes you to the top. One could drive all the way, but the road was deeply rutted and my car wouldn’t make it.
Typical views.
It’s hard to tell, but these holes are big enough to eat my car.
First view of the towers on the summit.
Middle of nowhere?
Old cabin, this was filled with clothes.
A French car in California below the summit.
Simca Aronde Type AA
A random roof from a car.. Someone must have made a DIY convertible back in the day.