W6/CT-281 – 1236

My pal organized a camping trip at Little Harbor on Catalina Island, off the coast of Los Angeles. To get there, we took the ferry from San Pedro to Two Harbors, then hiked the Trans Catalina Trail to our reserved campground. The hike was a little over 6 miles one way, with the summit somewhere roughly in the middle. At the top, a single pavilion with a picnic table stands. I setup my KH1 here with an EFHW and worked 15, 17, and 20M CW. Bands felt kinda dead but ended up with 11 contacts. Made an 2 FM QSOs – one back to the mainland, and another to a guy on his boat on the east side of the island. I kinda assumed 2M would work better here? Once the activation was done I continued on to Little Harbor for the weekend. I never really liked Catalina because I’ve only ever been to Avalon, but this trip changed my views. I’m now looking forward to activation more summits on the island.


Total distance: 6.31 mi
Max elevation: 826 ft
Min elevation: 19 ft
Total climbing: 892 ft
Download file: CT281.gpx

Date:26/07/2024 |  Summit:W6/CT-281 (1236) 

19:56AB4PP21MHzCWS51N R22N
20:05WOMNA18MHzCWS58N R57N
20:06W0ERI18MHzCWS58N R57N
20:06KF6HI18MHzCWS559 R559
20:07K6TUY18MHzCWS8N R57N
20:20NT6E144MHzFMS57 R55
20:24KQ6NP144MHzFMS59 R59
20:37KF9FD14MHzCWS57N R32N
20:39W4VIG14MHzCWS57N R22N
20:47WB7BWZ14MHzCWS57N R55N
20:48W4IFI14MHzCWS42N R55N