W6/SC-378 – Black Hill

Black Hill is a easy 1 point summit in Morro Bay with beautiful views of the ocean. You can drive most of the way to the top, free parking at the trailhead. After that it’s an easy walk to the summit on a well traveled dirt path. I brought along a KH1 and used the internal whip antenna. There is room for a full sized antenna, but the area is kinda small and a popular place to visit, so I didn’t want wires everywhere. Worked 15M, 17M and 20M and quickly logged 7 stations, including two S2S.


Total distance: 0.56 mi
Max elevation: 647 ft
Total climbing: 175 ft
Total time: 00:58:59
Download file: BlackHill_AG6N.gpx

Date:06/09/2024 |  Summit:W6/SC-378 (Black Hill) 

17:22WW7D18MHzCWS58N R57N
17:23NU7A18MHzCWS56N R55N
17:25KT0A18MHzCWS2S W0D/BB-030 S52N R55N
17:34N7KOM14MHzCWS57N R55N
17:35VA7JCF14MHzCWS52N R22N
17:37WU7H14MHzCWS55N R52N
17:42N1CLC14MHzCWS2S W7A/AE-016 S52N R52N

W6/SC-377 – Valley View Benchmark

Kel and I hiked up to this summit on the way up to Morro Bay. Down by the trailhead the temperature was a nice, cool 75F with a calm ocean breeze. This abruptly changed as we ascended. Inland temperatures around 100F were blowing over the ridge the trail follows. There is little shade and I was uncomfortably hot. Quite a bit of poison oak along the trail. A communications site is at the top with a few trees offering much appreciated shade and a view of the ocean. I used the KH1 and worked 15m, 17m, and 20m on the internal whip. Didn’t get a ton of QSOs but enough for a valid activation.

Total distance: 1.94 mi
Max elevation: 718 ft
Total climbing: 627 ft
Total time: 01:48:17
Download file: ValleyView.gpx

Date:05/09/2024 |  Summit:W6/SC-377 (Valley View Benchmark) 

21:49AJ0BM21MHzCWS56N R44N
22:01W5ODS18MHzCWS44N R32N
22:02WW7D18MHzCWS57N R51N
22:05WU7H18MHzCWS57N R33N
22:08K5SJC14MHzCWS58N R53N