W6/CT-126 – Harold Beacon Benchmark

There is something about the summits along the 14 and into Palmdale which I really like, but to date, Harold Beacon Benchmark is probably my favorite because of all the flora and fauna. I parked my car on Rebel road and started hiking, first, down a dirt road which wasn’t so bad, then, to a steep moto track which goes straight up the hillside. This side of the hill was covered in Juniper. The end of the trail meets up with a fire road, which leads up to the summit. There are several different types of trees up here with several kinds of birds I couldn’t identify. At the top, there were three benchmarks of various vintage, and evidence of an old tower. I wonder if that was the beacon? I setup my station using an EFHW cut for higher bands. Worked 12M, 17M, and 30M CW. 4 S2S. I hiked down the way I came, although it seems like there are several ways up and down. I’ll look forward to activating this peak again.


Total distance: 2.54 mi
Max elevation: 4725 ft
Min elevation: 3955 ft
Total climbing: 867 ft
Download file: Harold.gpx

Date:12/02/2022 | Summit:W6/CT-126 (Harold Beacon Benchmark)

20:34NR3E24MHzCWS55N R33N
20:35W0MNA24MHzCWS52N R55N
20:37KU4R24MHzCWS55N R53N
20:38W0ERI24MHzCWS55N R55N
20:52KF9D18MHzCWS44N R33N
20:54WW7D18MHzCWS42N R52N S2S W7W/CW-061
20:56WU7H18MHzCWS33N R53N S2S W7W/CW-061
21:00K0LAF18MHzCWS56N R55N
21:03NG6R18MHzCWS57N R56N
21:14K6GVG10MHzCWS58N R55N
21:15N4LAG10MHzCWS57N R56N
21:17WB6POT10MHzCWS56N R55N
21:19K6STR10MHzCWS56N R55N S2S W6/CT-076
21:22K6QCB10MHzCWS55N R56N
21:22NW7E10MHzCWS55N R55N
21:22K6CPR10MHzCWS57N R53N
21:23K6LDQ10MHzCWS58N R53N
21:24K1LB10MHzCWS57N R57N
21:30AG7TX10MHzCWS55N R52N S2S W7N/TR-075
The road to the trailhead was a bit too ‘gnar for my commuter car, so I parked here.
Just a short walk down this dirt road to the trail I followed up.
the trail I went up was quite steep.
Heading down, I think that’s the Fin and Feather club lake off in the distance.
Ye ‘olde benchmark from 1929
Newer marker, no date
I think that’s Sierra Pelona W6/CT-116

W6/CT-168 – 3784

I parked on Escondido Canyon Road, then hiked through a parcel which has a “For Sale” sign in front. I kinda felt like I was being watched by the neighboring houses, but once I was out of sight the hike was enjoyable. There is an established trail so it seems this summit is hiked often. The hike itself it pretty short, just over a mile and about 600′ of elevation gain. At the top, there is a large pile of rocks which I used to support the antenna mast. It also offered some shade from the sun, which felt brutal, even in February. Worked 20M, 30M, and 40M CW.


Total distance: 1.75 mi
Max elevation: 3777 ft
Min elevation: 3253 ft
Total climbing: 640 ft
Download file: 3784.gpx

Date:04/02/2022 | Summit:W6/CT-168 (3784)

21:20WB6POT10MHzCWS56N R55N
21:23K7GT10MHzCWS56N R55N
21:24K6LDQ10MHzCWS55N R42N
21:28AB6GI10MHzCWS57N R55N
21:30K6EL10MHzCWS55N R5NN S2S W6/NC-298
21:30K7EA10MHzCWS54N R55N
21:32W5ODS10MHzCWS55N R33N
21:43K6YK7MHzCWS58N R57N
21:46K6MK7MHzCWS44N R55N
21:49WU6X7MHzCWS55N R55N
21:51KE6MT7MHzCWS55N R54N
21:52K4GX7MHzCWS45N R54N
22:06W0WSL14MHzCWS55N R47N
22:07WA6KYR14MHzCWS55N R48N
22:10N7CCS14MHzCWS55N R55N
22:13WB2FUV14MHzCWS33N R45N
22:14W0MNA14MHzCWS55N R55N
22:15KE5AKL14MHzCWS58N R55N
22:16W0ERI14MHzCWS55N R55N
22:17KF9D14MHzCWS57N R55N
22:18NN7M14MHzCWS54N R55N
22:21WB7BWZ14MHzCWS56N R55N
22:22N4HNH14MHzCWS55N R55N
22:22W4KRN14MHzCWS53N R44N
22:23NU7A14MHzCWS54N R44N
22:28W6TDX14MHzCWS45N R55N
22:30AE4FZ14MHzCWS35N R52N
22:31KD8DEU14MHzCWS53N R22N
For sale!
First view of summit
Well defined trail
One more photo of the summit as I hiked back.

W6/CT-273 – Agua Dulce Benchmark

I had a couple days off work without any real plans, so off to Agua Dulce! I parked just off the 14 and hiked down the obvious dirt road. I continued on the road until it ended at a set of power line pylons, then turned south and headed along the ridge line firebreak. The wind was incredibly strong, and at one point almost knocked me over! One false summit with benchmarks along the way. At the real summit, I found additional benchmarks and a summit register. I was able to setup the station just below the ridge which kept me out of the wind. Worked 30M and 40M, one S2S.


Total distance: 5.36 mi
Max elevation: 2834 ft
Min elevation: 2093 ft
Total climbing: 1687 ft
Download file: AguaDulce.gpx

Date:09/02/2022 | Summit:W6/CT-273 (Agua Dulce Benchmark)

21:22WB6POT10MHzCWS57N R55N
21:27WW7D10MHzCWS58N R42N
21:28WB7ULB10MHzCWS55N R52N
21:28K1LB10MHzCWS55N R55N
21:29K6HPX10MHzCWS55N R5NN
21:29NW7E10MHzCWS55N R55N
21:30K7MK10MHzCWS58N R55N
21:31KF6HI10MHzCWS57N R57N
21:33KR7RK10MHzCWS5NN R55N
21:35K6LDQ10MHzCWS57N R42N
21:36N6OND10MHzCWS52N R52N
21:58AJ6CL14MHzCWS599 R599 S2S W6/CT-025
22:02N4LAG7MHzCWS55N R41N
22:03N8FN7MHzCWS58N R55N
22:04K6STR7MHzCWS55N R55N
22:06KN6EZE7MHzCWS53N R44N
22:08WC6L7MHzCWS57N R55N
22:09K6QCB7MHzCWS54N R31N
22:11K6EL7MHzCWS33N R55N
22:12KE6MT7MHzCWS55N R53N
Parked right off the 14
First benchmark I found, this is not the summit though.
Summit register
K6PVZ beat me up to the top
Looking back at the ridge line I just hiked