W6/CT-263 – 4020

This is a fun area to cycle; not too steep and the fire roads are in nice shape. Started out on 6N53 which is paved. Eventually you will come to a split in the road, where commercial towers sit. For W6/CT-263, stay to the right down the dirt road, 6N53b. Eventually you will find a Eagle Scout project/ picnic area on the right hand side, which is the trail down to the scout camp. Form here, you can sorta make out an old 2 track trail which goes up the hill. I pushed the bike up this part until it was flat/ hard enough to continue cycling. Using my GPS, I found the summit and setup my station. Worked 20M, and 40M, then 70cm SSB.

After all the chasers were gone, I decided to cycle over to W6/SC-076, Whitaker Peak. Go back to the transmission tower and take 6N53a all the way to another tower installation. From here, you need to sneak around the fence and traverse down the ridge over to the summit. Sadly, the tower site was extremely busy with workers, and I couldn’t get the bicycle past all their idling trucks. Additionally, there wasn’t anywhere to really hide my bike. Sadly, I turned around and went back to the car.

I’ve summited Whitaker Peak before, but didn’t activate it because my battery was dead when I got there. Doh! I did have a working pen and signed the summit log, which was pretty empty. Maybe I’ll actually get to activate it on my third attempt, which likely won’t involve a bicycle that I need to hide in the bush.


Date:12/04/2021 | Summit:W6/CT-263 (4020)

20:12NOWAE14MHzSSBS55 R55
20:13NG6R14MHzSSBS55 R44
20:14KG6MZS14MHzSSBS55 R45
20:15K6MW14MHzSSBS53 R55
20:17WU7H14MHzSSBS45 R22
20:19W0MNA14MHzSSBS55 R33
20:20WW7D14MHzSSBS48 R43
20:31K6EL7MHzSSBS59 R55
20:57K6LDQ433MHzSSBS59 R59
Blocked road
Heading up, this part is paved.
Eventually the pavement ends
Summit in view
End of the hiking trail from the scout camp below. I thought about cycling down this trail…. No way!
Trail to the summit on the left. Going right will also take you to the summit.
Station setup
I have no idea what this plant is, but there were several of them.
A mount for some kinda measurement equipment? This wasn’t on the summit.