Los Angeles, to the middle of Nevada, to Mexico and back. Missing a lot of photos, but you get the point. Tracks below…
$ gpsbabel -t -i gpx -f 20160528.gpx -i gpx -f 20160
529.gpx -i gpx -f 20160530.gpx -i gpx -f 20160531.gpx -i gpx -f 20160601.gpx -i gpx
-f 20160603.gpx -i gpx -f 20160606.gpx -x track,merge,title=”COMBINED LOG” -o gpx
-F LA_AZ_MEX.gpx
Total distance: 2129.84 mi
Max elevation: 10104 ft
Total climbing: 86223 ft
Total time: 05:51:23
Download file: LA_NV_MEX.gpx
Max elevation: 10104 ft
Total climbing: 86223 ft
Total time: 05:51:23